Sunday, July 5, 2009

How To Make A Body Exfoliate For Next To Nothing!

Body exfoliates are quite pricey to buy at the beauty counter, and having it done at a Spa is even more costly! After winter especially, you need to slough off all the old dead skin cells on your body with a good exfoliate. So to reveal a beautiful, dewy soft skin for summertime, and to prepare your skin for tanning, use this very cheap but natural and effective recipe for body exfoliates! You will feel as if you have been at a Spa!


Things You Will Need:

· Maize meal about half cup
· Olive oil two tablespoons
· small plastic bowl to mix

Step 1
Mix together dry uncooked maize meal & olive oil in the small bowl, to make a paste.

Step 2
Soak in a nice medium hot bath for about 5 minutes, just to help open the skin pores.

Step 3
Starting at your feet, working up your legs, buttocks, thighs, tummy and then your arms, use a bit at a time of the paste, rubbing a circular motion, with medium pressure. When you have given all areas on your body a good rub, use the hand shower to rinse off, with warm water. You can now wash with your normal soap or body wash. Your skin will look and feel fabulous!

Tips & Warnings

You can use maize meal exfoliater for your face as well, by replacing the olive oil with a little cold rooibos tea and a teaspoon of honey. Works a charm! You can do this once a week to keep your skin in tip top condition.

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