Saturday, August 29, 2009

How to exfoliate your skin

Get smooth glowing skin

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin radiant and smooth. Whether it's bikini season or you just want soft, clean skin, exfoliating from head to toe will get you glowing.

Many women exfoliate their faces but forget about other body parts. As the weather heats up and you get bikini-ready, you should exfoliate all over. Exfoliation is also important before applying tanning products or when rejuvenating winter-weary skin.

Items you need for exfoliation

Exfoliating cleanser
Loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves
Pumice stone
Body lotion

How to exfoliate

1. Before stepping into the shower, brush your dry skin with your loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves. This will help remove the loose skin and prepare your skin for the exfoliating process. Begin with the soles of your feet, working your way up your body.

2. Get into the shower and wet your body from head to toe. Don't exfoliate your skin if you are sunburned or have any open cuts or wounds.

3. Use a pumice stone on your feet to eliminate rough spots and calluses. If your feet are extremely rough, soak them in a basin of warm water mixed with a cup of milk for 30 minutes before getting into the shower.

4. Apply your exfoliating cleanser to your loofah or gloves. Begin scrubbing your body in a circular motion starting with the bottoms of your feet and working your way up. When you reach the bikini area, don't scrub too hard because the skin is very sensitive.

5. Use a body brush to exfoliate your back and other hard-to-reach places.

6. Be gentle on your face, particularly around your eyes and mouth. Use an exfoliating product especially formulated for the face, which is gentler than products designed to be used on the body.

7. Don't forget about your hands. You want them to look and feel soft and smooth too!

8. Rinse your body with lukewarm water, follow by the coldest water you can stand. Apply a shower gel to soften your skin, if you'd like.

9. After stepping out of the shower, apply a moisturizing body lotion all over. Body lotions and facial moisturizers containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids are ideal choices because these acids contine to remove dead skin cells.

10. Use body moisturizer once a day. Exfoliation is drying to the skin, so you must keep your skin hydrated.

Exfoliating products
Select exfoliating cleansers that contain sea salt, sugar, ground almonds, walnuts, seeds or other grainy components.

Exfoliating once or twice a week is usually enough to achieve silky skin; however, women with oily skin should exfoliate more often than those with dry skin. If your skin become excessively dry or irritated after exfoliation, don't scrub so hard. Cut back on how often you exfoliate, and explore the possibility that you may be allergic to the products you used.

How to use coffee as a body and facial scrub

Do you want a healthy glowing skin but want to save money at the same time? it's easy, you can start by going to your kitchen and see everything that is needed can be found there. from here you'll learn how to make a scrub for face and body and be sure of what the ingredients are.


Things You'll Need:
4 tbsp virgin coconut oil
2 tbsp coffee
1 tbsp sugar

Step 1
in a bowl, mix the 3 ingredients mentioned above. make sure that the vco ( virgin coconut oil ) is stored in the right temperature. you'll know if the temperature is too cold if it turns hard and white. if this happens just warm the bottle in warm water.

Step 2
after the ingredients are mixed, make sure that your face is clean, and then apply the scrub as how you would any other facial/ body scrub.

S tep 3
rinsing depends on what type of coffee you are using. LIBERICA= strongest coffee, scrub for one minute then rinse.ROBUSTA= about 1-2 minutesARABICA= about 2 -3 minutes

Step 4
after rinsing with warm water, you can repeat the steps to wherever you want your
skin to be exfoliated and moisturized.

Tips & Warnings
if you can't find virgin coconut oil in the local grocery, you can substitute virgin olive oil and will definitely give the same effect!

if your skin is sensitive, be careful in applying the scrub because the sugar granules might irritate your skin.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to Make Toe Rings

The interest in toe rings is gaining in popularity. Believed to originate in India, toe rings have been customarily worn to symbolize marriage by females. Today, toe rings can be worn by both women and men and are a nice addition to sandal clad feet. Adornment of the feet by jewelry is sometimes looked upon as uncomfortable or annoying, but you can create toe rings that are beautiful and not cumbersome. A few simple materials are all that is needed. The following steps will show you an affordable and creative way to make toe rings to fit any toe size, without requiring any fine jewelry making skills.


Things You'll Need:
Small beads

Step 1
Cut a piece of elastic about three inches long. The elastic can be any color that will complement your beading.

Step 2
Add your beads to the elastic by sliding them towards the center. If you are choosing a special bead to be the center focal point, slip that bead on first.

Step 3
Follow the first bead with additional beads of your choice. Remember that a toe is small so only a few beads will be necessary.

Step 4
Tie both ends of the elastic together, after you have finished your bead design.

Step 5
Stretch your toe ring over the toe that you want to adorn with your new toe ring, with knotted side facing under the foot.

Tips & Warnings

Remember that you want your toe ring to be comfortable. Try to arrange the beads so they sit on top of the toe, and not in between the toes or underneath.

Be sure to make your toe ring big enough to stretch over your toe easily. A toe ring that is too tight can be uncomfortable and inhibit proper circulation.

How to Make Barefoot Sandals

Barefoot sandals are popular to wear at beach weddings and other formal, outdoor occasions. They're also worn by hippies and naturalists who enjoy going barefoot and want to circumvent the "no shoes, no service" rules of many commercial establishments. Barefoot sandals are essentially the tops of thong flip-flops sans the soles and can be designed to look elegant or rustic, depending on your preference or the event to which you plan to wear them. It's easy to learn how to make barefoot sandals.sandals

Things You'll Need:
Toe ring
Ankle bracelet
Thin strip of cloth, lace, or twine
Neutral-colored thread
Sharp scissors

Step 1
Put the toe ring on your long toe, which is the one right beside your big toe.

Step 2

Fasten the ankle bracelet around your ankle.

Step 3
Stretch out your cloth, lace or twine between your ankle bracelet and toe ring. Make sure it's tight, as you don't want any slack on your sandals.

Step 4
Cut the cloth, lace or twine, so that it fits snugly between the ankle bracelet and toe ring.

Step 5

Decorate the cloth, lace or twine with beads if you desire. Sparkly beads that look like gems are popular for wedding barefoot sandals while many naturalists prefer wooden beads.

Step 6
Attach one end of the cloth, lace or twine to the ankle bracelet, using a small piece of sturdy thread in a neutral color.

Step 7

Tie the thread tightly in a double knot and trim off any excess thread.

Step 8

Attach the other end of the cloth, lace or twine to the toe ring, using a piece of the neutral-colored thread that is tied in a double knot.

Step 9
Trim any excess thread off as close to the knot as possible.

Step 10

Repeat this process for your other foot to make a pair of barefoot sandals.

Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Make a Beaded Toe Ring

Making your own jewelry not only guarantees a fit and style that you'll like, but it also helps to control costs. This toe ring project is easy to complete and takes just a few minutes.


Things You'll Need:
3 inches of silver wire, 16 or 18 gauge
Jeweler's file
Selection of small sized glass beads
Wire cutters
Rawhide hammer

Step 1
File down the sharp edges of the cut piece of wire with a jeweler's file. This ensures a comfortable fit and creates a more professional looking piece. Simply file the ends in one direction using gentle strokes for 3 minutes on each cut end.

Step 2
Use pliers to mount a selection of tiny-sized beads onto the wire in a pattern you like. Only cover the appropriate length of the wire for your selected toe, making sure the beads rest only on the top of your toe to avoid irritation.

Step 3
Close up the ring using a pair of flat-nosed pliers. A dummy mount, usually available specifically for hand rings, can help you to perform this procedure more easily. For comforts sake, trim off any overhang with a pair of wire cutters.

Step 4
Prepare for wear and use. Soften the metal by pounding on the ring with a rawhide hammer. You may also need to file the ends down one more time before the ring is wearable.

How to Make Foot Thongs

A foot thong is an anklet that stretches down the foot to the toe. Foot thongs are used in dancing or as an accessory for people who like to go barefooted. You can use these few supplies to make your own foot thongs in less than an hour

Things You'll Need:
1 bag of beads
7 inches of Delica, small seed or spacer beads
Clear elastic string
Clear fingernail polish

Step 1
Wrap the string around the ankle, down the front of the foot, around the first toe and back to the ankle. Cut the string at the back of the ankle.

Step 2
Slide the small beads or spacer beads to the middle of the string. Wrap the string around the toe to determine when you have enough beads. The spacer beads must come down the foot and in front of the toe at least 1/2 inch before adding more beads.

Step 3
Place a regular bead on both of the strings where the spacer beads end. This bead secures the toe piece and makes the string into a thong from the ankle to the toe. Stop these beads about 1 to 1-1/2 inches from the ankle.

Step 4
Bead the rest of the two strings separately. Use a step and repeat the design or just add random beads.

Step 5
Tie the 2 strings together in a knot 5 times. Cover the knot with clear fingernail polish to hold it in place. Repeat all these steps to make a thong for the other foot.

How to Make Nipples Look Larger

Many women want to make their nipples appear larger to attract attention from their mate or society in general. Breasts certainly represent an opportunity to wield power in the workplace or the bedroom, so it only stands to reason that enhancing one's nipples might be an attractive idea. A few quick steps can make your nipples look larger in minutes.


Step 1
Choose a thin bra under thin clothing. If you want your nipples to look large and obvious under clothing, it only stands to reason that you'd want very little fabric hiding them. Thin satin bras or lace bras allow your nipples to protrude under your clothing. Or don't wear a bra at all.

Step 2
Squeeze and pinch your nipples to give them a rosy, swollen look. Stimulation causes the nipples to harden and stick up from the body, so playing with them for a few minutes prior to sex or before going out in a thin bra can certainly give you larger looking nipples.

Step 3
Chill your nipples for maximum notice. As any woman who's ever been in a cold room knows, a chill is the quickest and surest way to make your nipples look larger. Apply ice or a cool cloth to your nipples to make them stand out.

Step 4
Recline to give your nipples more surface area. While it's only an illusion, laying down changes the position of your breasts and can significantly flatten the breasts and nipples, giving them a look of a larger circumference.

Step 5
Consult a plastic surgeon if you want larger nipples all the time. Breast implants significantly increase the size and protrusion of nipples. By talking to a plastic surgeon you can reasonably assess the risk involved in taking a permanent step and the possible results for you on an individual basis.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How to Increase Cleavage

Many women think that increasing cleavage merely means finding the right type of push-up brassiere. Over the years, however, many methods used by actresses and models have been made public, providing you with more options for increasing your cleavage. Read on to learn more.


Things You'll Need:
5-lb. dumbbells
Tape or moleskin
Padding or silicon inserts
White powder
Appropriate clothing
Leafy green vegetables

Step 1
Find the right brassiere that will lift and squeeze your breasts together comfortably. Traditional push-up bras, as they are called, use extra padding on the bottom of the cups to push breasts up. Other modern variants also apply padding on the sides of the cups, near the armholes, to squeeze breasts together to increase the amount of cleavage.

Step 2
Use additional padding inside of existing bras in order to increase cleavage. Silicone inserts can be used underneath breasts to push them up, and on the sides of the brassiere cups to squeeze them together. This type of padding may also use water, gel or air to present a more natural look to your breasts.

Step 3
Try using tape or moleskin to pull breasts toward each other in order to increase your cleavage. While this method has been used by models and actresses for years, it is best used for short-term applications since it may cause skin irritations.

Step 4

Apply makeup to your breasts in order to create the illusion of increased cleavage. You can use a bronzer between your breasts in order to give a bigger sense of depth to your cleavage, and blend it with a light dusting of white powder on the tops of your breasts to provide a contrasting effect.

Step 5
Use the right kind of clothing that will help you to accentuate your cleavage. Generally, a tight top with a plunging neckline will expose plenty of cleavage, but care must be taken not to reveal too much. You also don't want to restrict the blood circulation to the breasts, which may cause them to appear discolored and lifeless.

Step 6
Exercise your upper body regularly in order to increase your cleavage naturally. Isometric exercises, such as the "prayer," where you press your open palms into each other repeatedly, can help to tone your chest muscles and increase your cleavage dramatically. The use of small free weights, such as 5-lb. dumbbells, can also help to increase cleavage as well.

Tips & Warnings

The right diet can work wonders in enhancing your cleavage by giving your breasts a fresh, natural glow. Leafy green vegetables and plenty of fresh water (at least 8 to 10 8-oz. glasses a day) will help to unclog pores.

How to Make Your Breasts Look Fuller

Even if you weren't born with an ample bust, with the right bra and a little maneuvering, you can look spectacular.


Things You'll Need:
Padded Push-up Bras
Body Glitters
Foam Pads

Step 1
Buy a Wonderbra, Miracle Bra or other padded push-up bra. These are made for enhancing the look of your breasts.

Step 2
Insert foam pads into your bra. Place them in special pockets built into the bra, or place them in the cup under the breast.

Step 3
Choose a material that hugs and draws attention to the bustline.

Step 4
Apply blush, a shade darker than your skin tone, between the breasts to suggest shadows and cleavage. A touch of shimmery glitter on top of each breast will highlight the rounded top and make it appear fuller.

Step 5
Wear a tight Lycra top over your bra and under your shirt to add an extra layer.

Step 6
Stand up straight.

Step 7
Do exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles and lift your breasts.

Tips & Warnings

The next time you're in a lingerie store, ask the sales clerk which enhancing bras are the best sellers. If you are unsure what size to get, ask for advice.

Do a little experimenting with padded bras or tight tops and have a trusted friend give you an honest opinion on how it looks. It's not always easy to be objective.

Too much padding or blush can be obvious. Go for the subtle, almost subliminal approach.