Sunday, July 26, 2009

How to Extend The Life of Cheap Flip-Flops

Lots of folks like to buy inexpensive flip-flops for the spring & summer but sometimes, they pull apart too easily. This will help you extend the life of yours


Things You'll Need:
1. An inexpensive pair of flip-flops.
2. Two plastic lids from Pringle's cans.
3. A hole puncher strong enough to go through thin plastic.
4. A pair of scissors.
5. A strong all purpose craft glue or other bonding agent that will adhere plastics and rubber to one another.

Step 1
Cut one small circle from each of the plastic Pringle's can lids. Make sure the circles are roughly and inch and a half in diameter. Then, cut a small slit into each one, going towards the center of the circle so that it measures at the halfway point. Now, use the hole punch to punch a hole in the center of each circle just wide enough for the between the toe part of the flip-flop.

Step 2
While holding one flip-flop in your hand, gently push down on the between the toe part until it slides through the soul of the shoe by about one inch. Carefully pry open one of the cut circles and fit it over the exposed bit protruding from the bottom. It ought to look like a tiny disc on a plastic pole.

Step 3
Carefully dab some glue or bonding agent onto the side of the circle that will touch the bottom of the shoe as well as the inside area where the base of the between the toe part has come through. Now, gently slide the between the toe part back up into place, making sure that the circle touches the bottom of the shoe completely. Press firmly, and let dry for the recommended time stated on the glue or bonding agent bottle.

1 comment:

  1. hi pampering people i loved this flip flop tip
    now my flip flops look like they were customized for me.

    <3 daisy
