Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Make a Beaded Toe Ring

Making your own jewelry not only guarantees a fit and style that you'll like, but it also helps to control costs. This toe ring project is easy to complete and takes just a few minutes.


Things You'll Need:
3 inches of silver wire, 16 or 18 gauge
Jeweler's file
Selection of small sized glass beads
Wire cutters
Rawhide hammer

Step 1
File down the sharp edges of the cut piece of wire with a jeweler's file. This ensures a comfortable fit and creates a more professional looking piece. Simply file the ends in one direction using gentle strokes for 3 minutes on each cut end.

Step 2
Use pliers to mount a selection of tiny-sized beads onto the wire in a pattern you like. Only cover the appropriate length of the wire for your selected toe, making sure the beads rest only on the top of your toe to avoid irritation.

Step 3
Close up the ring using a pair of flat-nosed pliers. A dummy mount, usually available specifically for hand rings, can help you to perform this procedure more easily. For comforts sake, trim off any overhang with a pair of wire cutters.

Step 4
Prepare for wear and use. Soften the metal by pounding on the ring with a rawhide hammer. You may also need to file the ends down one more time before the ring is wearable.

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