We all need to give ourselves some TLC from time to time. Though pampering may ease our bodies and minds, sometimes it can break the monotony of a tedious day you may have endured. Offered up are a number of great ideas that are free and fun! Devote your days and nights to pampering your with pleasure from our blog!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
How to Get Rid of Scars on Legs
Step 1 Apply cocoa butter, one of the most inexpensive scar remedies, to your legs. Available in a variety of different formulas, cocoa butter promotes elasticity and moisture retention in the skin. Apply cocoa butter to leg scars several times daily in a massaging motion. Repeat this process until the scars are no longer visible.
Step 2 Apply Mederma gel to leg scars. Mederma, a topical gel, is highly effective at removing new and old leg scars resulting from burns, acne, surgery or injuries. Onion extract, one of the main ingredients in Mederna, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, regulating the formation of collagen in a scar. Massage mederma on leg scars 3 or 4 times daily for up to 6 months.
Step 3 Vitamin E plays a very important role in general skin care. Massage a Vitamin E--enriched lotion onto your leg scar several times a day. Continuous massage helps break down scar tissue, while Vitamin E encourages collagen production in the skin. You can purchase vitamin E in liquid form and massage it onto your skin.
Step 4 Get microdermabrasion treatments. Microdermabrasion, in which you spray tiny crystals over the scarred skin area, can drastically improve most leg scarring. It's a nonsurgical procedure that works on all skin types and complexions without leaving scars or skin discoloration. Skin typically recovers within 24 hours. This gentle abrasion technique removes the damaged outer layer of skin and exfoliates and rejuvenates the skin.
You can either purchase Microdermabrasion systems and kits for use in your home or receive the treatments at a doctor's office or spa. Microdermabrasion works best on superficial leg scarring.
Step 5 Use silicone. Silicone, available in sheets or as a gel, is especially effective for thick leg scars. Apply the silicone gel and sheets to the affected area for a minimum of 12 hours each day. Over time, you will notice that scars have become flatter, lighter and less noticeable.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
How to Keep your Belly Button Clean All Year Long
Things You'll Need:
Wash cloth or Tissues,
Cotton Swabs,
Vitamin E Oil,
Moisturizing Lotion.
Step 1
After shower using washcloth, clean your belly button inside out with soap & water.
Step 2
Wipe the area with a dry cloth or tissue.
Step 3
Slightly soak a cotton swab in Vitamin E oil.
Step 4
Gently rub the belly button skin using the swab - inside and outside.
Step 5
Keep your hand pressure firm on the swab. You don't want to rub your skin too hard.
Step 6
Once you see your belly button looking clean, wipe off the oil with a cloth
Step 7
Gently massage the belly button with a moisturizing lotion.
Tips & Warnings
Your belly button skin is sensitive, be gentle when you clean.
If you wear navel piercing, clean the piercing mark and accessories with rubbing alcohol regularly.
DO NOT USE sharp objects and/or instruments to clean your belly button.
Contact your doctor if your skin gets allergic reaction - example: Itchiness, inflamed red spots.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
How to exfoliate your skin
Get smooth glowing skin
Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin radiant and smooth. Whether it's bikini season or you just want soft, clean skin, exfoliating from head to toe will get you glowing.
Many women exfoliate their faces but forget about other body parts. As the weather heats up and you get bikini-ready, you should exfoliate all over. Exfoliation is also important before applying tanning products or when rejuvenating winter-weary skin.
Exfoliating cleanser
Loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves
Pumice stone
Body lotion
How to exfoliate
1. Before stepping into the shower, brush your dry skin with your loofah, body brush or exfoliating gloves. This will help remove the loose skin and prepare your skin for the exfoliating process. Begin with the soles of your feet, working your way up your body.
2. Get into the shower and wet your body from head to toe. Don't exfoliate your skin if you are sunburned or have any open cuts or wounds.
3. Use a pumice stone on your feet to eliminate rough spots and calluses. If your feet are extremely rough, soak them in a basin of warm water mixed with a cup of milk for 30 minutes before getting into the shower.
4. Apply your exfoliating cleanser to your loofah or gloves. Begin scrubbing your body in a circular motion starting with the bottoms of your feet and working your way up. When you reach the bikini area, don't scrub too hard because the skin is very sensitive.5. Use a body brush to exfoliate your back and other hard-to-reach places.
6. Be gentle on your face, particularly around your eyes and mouth. Use an exfoliating product especially formulated for the face, which is gentler than products designed to be used on the body.
7. Don't forget about your hands. You want them to look and feel soft and smooth too!
8. Rinse your body with lukewarm water, follow by the coldest water you can stand. Apply a shower gel to soften your skin, if you'd like.
9. After stepping out of the shower, apply a moisturizing body lotion all over. Body lotions and facial moisturizers containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids are ideal choices because these acids contine to remove dead skin cells.
10. Use body moisturizer once a day. Exfoliation is drying to the skin, so you must keep your skin hydrated.
Exfoliating products
Select exfoliating cleansers that contain sea salt, sugar, ground almonds, walnuts, seeds or other grainy components.
Exfoliating once or twice a week is usually enough to achieve silky skin; however, women with oily skin should exfoliate more often than those with dry skin. If your skin become excessively dry or irritated after exfoliation, don't scrub so hard. Cut back on how often you exfoliate, and explore the possibility that you may be allergic to the products you used.
How to use coffee as a body and facial scrub
Things You'll Need:
4 tbsp virgin coconut oil
2 tbsp coffee
1 tbsp sugar
Step 1
in a bowl, mix the 3 ingredients mentioned above. make sure that the vco ( virgin coconut oil ) is stored in the right temperature. you'll know if the temperature is too cold if it turns hard and white. if this happens just warm the bottle in warm water.
Step 2
after the ingredients are mixed, make sure that your face is clean, and then apply the scrub as how you would any other facial/ body scrub.
S tep 3
rinsing depends on what type of coffee you are using. LIBERICA= strongest coffee, scrub for one minute then rinse.ROBUSTA= about 1-2 minutesARABICA= about 2 -3 minutes
Step 4
after rinsing with warm water, you can repeat the steps to wherever you want your skin to be exfoliated and moisturized.
Tips & Warnings
if you can't find virgin coconut oil in the local grocery, you can substitute virgin olive oil and will definitely give the same effect!
if your skin is sensitive, be careful in applying the scrub because the sugar granules might irritate your skin.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
How to Make Toe Rings
The interest in toe rings is gaining in popularity. Believed to originate in India, toe rings have been customarily worn to symbolize marriage by females. Today, toe rings can be worn by both women and men and are a nice addition to sandal clad feet. Adornment of the feet by jewelry is sometimes looked upon as uncomfortable or annoying, but you can create toe rings that are beautiful and not cumbersome. A few simple materials are all that is needed. The following steps will show you an affordable and creative way to make toe rings to fit any toe size, without requiring any fine jewelry making skills.
Things You'll Need:
Small beads
Step 1
Cut a piece of elastic about three inches long. The elastic can be any color that will complement your beading.
Step 2
Add your beads to the elastic by sliding them towards the center. If you are choosing a special bead to be the center focal point, slip that bead on first.
Step 3
Follow the first bead with additional beads of your choice. Remember that a toe is small so only a few beads will be necessary.
Step 4
Tie both ends of the elastic together, after you have finished your bead design.
Step 5
Stretch your toe ring over the toe that you want to adorn with your new toe ring, with knotted side facing under the foot.
Tips & Warnings
Remember that you want your toe ring to be comfortable. Try to arrange the beads so they sit on top of the toe, and not in between the toes or underneath.
Be sure to make your toe ring big enough to stretch over your toe easily. A toe ring that is too tight can be uncomfortable and inhibit proper circulation.
How to Make Barefoot Sandals
Toe ring
Ankle bracelet
Thin strip of cloth, lace, or twine
Neutral-colored thread
Sharp scissors
Put the toe ring on your long toe, which is the one right beside your big toe.
Step 2
Fasten the ankle bracelet around your ankle.
Step 3
Stretch out your cloth, lace or twine between your ankle bracelet and toe ring. Make sure it's tight, as you don't want any slack on your sandals.
Step 4
Cut the cloth, lace or twine, so that it fits snugly between the ankle bracelet and toe ring.
Step 5
Decorate the cloth, lace or twine with beads if you desire. Sparkly beads that look like gems are popular for wedding barefoot sandals while many naturalists prefer wooden beads.
Step 6
Attach one end of the cloth, lace or twine to the ankle bracelet, using a small piece of sturdy thread in a neutral color.
Step 7
Tie the thread tightly in a double knot and trim off any excess thread.
Step 8
Attach the other end of the cloth, lace or twine to the toe ring, using a piece of the neutral-colored thread that is tied in a double knot.
Step 9
Trim any excess thread off as close to the knot as possible.
Step 10
Repeat this process for your other foot to make a pair of barefoot sandals.
Monday, August 24, 2009
How to Make a Beaded Toe Ring
Making your own jewelry not only guarantees a fit and style that you'll like, but it also helps to control costs. This toe ring project is easy to complete and takes just a few minutes.
Things You'll Need:
3 inches of silver wire, 16 or 18 gauge
Jeweler's file
Selection of small sized glass beads
Wire cutters
Rawhide hammer
Step 1
File down the sharp edges of the cut piece of wire with a jeweler's file. This ensures a comfortable fit and creates a more professional looking piece. Simply file the ends in one direction using gentle strokes for 3 minutes on each cut end.
Step 2
Use pliers to mount a selection of tiny-sized beads onto the wire in a pattern you like. Only cover the appropriate length of the wire for your selected toe, making sure the beads rest only on the top of your toe to avoid irritation.
Step 3
Close up the ring using a pair of flat-nosed pliers. A dummy mount, usually available specifically for hand rings, can help you to perform this procedure more easily. For comforts sake, trim off any overhang with a pair of wire cutters.
Step 4
Prepare for wear and use. Soften the metal by pounding on the ring with a rawhide hammer. You may also need to file the ends down one more time before the ring is wearable.
How to Make Foot Thongs
Things You'll Need:
1 bag of beads
7 inches of Delica, small seed or spacer beads
Clear elastic string
Clear fingernail polish
Step 1
Wrap the string around the ankle, down the front of the foot, around the first toe and back to the ankle. Cut the string at the back of the ankle.
Step 2
Slide the small beads or spacer beads to the middle of the string. Wrap the string around the toe to determine when you have enough beads. The spacer beads must come down the foot and in front of the toe at least 1/2 inch before adding more beads.
Step 3
Place a regular bead on both of the strings where the spacer beads end. This bead secures the toe piece and makes the string into a thong from the ankle to the toe. Stop these beads about 1 to 1-1/2 inches from the ankle.
Step 4
Bead the rest of the two strings separately. Use a step and repeat the design or just add random beads.
Step 5
Tie the 2 strings together in a knot 5 times. Cover the knot with clear fingernail polish to hold it in place. Repeat all these steps to make a thong for the other foot.
How to Make Nipples Look Larger
Many women want to make their nipples appear larger to attract attention from their mate or society in general. Breasts certainly represent an opportunity to wield power in the workplace or the bedroom, so it only stands to reason that enhancing one's nipples might be an attractive idea. A few quick steps can make your nipples look larger in minutes.
Step 1
Step 2
Squeeze and pinch your nipples to give them a rosy, swollen look. Stimulation causes the nipples to harden and stick up from the body, so playing with them for a few minutes prior to sex or before going out in a thin bra can certainly give you larger looking nipples.
Step 3
Chill your nipples for maximum notice. As any woman who's ever been in a cold room knows, a chill is the quickest and surest way to make your nipples look larger. Apply ice or a cool cloth to your nipples to make them stand out.
Step 4
Recline to give your nipples more surface area. While it's only an illusion, laying down changes the position of your breasts and can significantly flatten the breasts and nipples, giving them a look of a larger circumference.
Step 5
Consult a plastic surgeon if you want larger nipples all the time. Breast implants significantly increase the size and protrusion of nipples. By talking to a plastic surgeon you can reasonably assess the risk involved in taking a permanent step and the possible results for you on an individual basis.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How to Increase Cleavage
Things You'll Need:
5-lb. dumbbells
Tape or moleskin
Padding or silicon inserts
White powder
Appropriate clothing
Leafy green vegetables
Step 1
Find the right brassiere that will lift and squeeze your breasts together comfortably. Traditional push-up bras, as they are called, use extra padding on the bottom of the cups to push breasts up. Other modern variants also apply padding on the sides of the cups, near the armholes, to squeeze breasts together to increase the amount of cleavage.
Step 2
Use additional padding inside of existing bras in order to increase cleavage. Silicone inserts can be used underneath breasts to push them up, and on the sides of the brassiere cups to squeeze them together. This type of padding may also use water, gel or air to present a more natural look to your breasts.
Step 3
Try using tape or moleskin to pull breasts toward each other in order to increase your cleavage. While this method has been used by models and actresses for years, it is best used for short-term applications since it may cause skin irritations.
Step 4
Apply makeup to your breasts in order to create the illusion of increased cleavage. You can use a bronzer between your breasts in order to give a bigger sense of depth to your cleavage, and blend it with a light dusting of white powder on the tops of your breasts to provide a contrasting effect.
Step 5
Use the right kind of clothing that will help you to accentuate your cleavage. Generally, a tight top with a plunging neckline will expose plenty of cleavage, but care must be taken not to reveal too much. You also don't want to restrict the blood circulation to the breasts, which may cause them to appear discolored and lifeless.
Step 6
Exercise your upper body regularly in order to increase your cleavage naturally. Isometric exercises, such as the "prayer," where you press your open palms into each other repeatedly, can help to tone your chest muscles and increase your cleavage dramatically. The use of small free weights, such as 5-lb. dumbbells, can also help to increase cleavage as well.
Tips & Warnings
The right diet can work wonders in enhancing your cleavage by giving your breasts a fresh, natural glow. Leafy green vegetables and plenty of fresh water (at least 8 to 10 8-oz. glasses a day) will help to unclog pores.
How to Make Your Breasts Look Fuller
Things You'll Need:
Padded Push-up Bras
Body Glitters
Foam Pads
Step 1
Buy a Wonderbra, Miracle Bra or other padded push-up bra. These are made for enhancing the look of your breasts.
Step 2
Insert foam pads into your bra. Place them in special pockets built into the bra, or place them in the cup under the breast.
Step 3
Choose a material that hugs and draws attention to the bustline.
Step 4
Apply blush, a shade darker than your skin tone, between the breasts to suggest shadows and cleavage. A touch of shimmery glitter on top of each breast will highlight the rounded top and make it appear fuller.
Step 5
Wear a tight Lycra top over your bra and under your shirt to add an extra layer.
Step 6
Stand up straight.
Step 7
Do exercises that strengthen the pectoral muscles and lift your breasts.
Tips & Warnings
The next time you're in a lingerie store, ask the sales clerk which enhancing bras are the best sellers. If you are unsure what size to get, ask for advice.
Do a little experimenting with padded bras or tight tops and have a trusted friend give you an honest opinion on how it looks. It's not always easy to be objective.
Too much padding or blush can be obvious. Go for the subtle, almost subliminal approach.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
How to Make a Bead on Wire Bracelet or Anklet
Things You'll Need:
Jewelry Beads
Jewelry Clasps
Jewelry Supplies
Seamstress Measuring Tapes
Jewelry Wire
Pliers For Jewelry Making
Safety Glasses
Safety Glasses
Putting Beads on Wire
Step 1
Choose about a 20-gauge wire. This can be coated jewelry wire, flex wire or a gold- or silver-plated wire.
Step 2
Cut a piece of wire about 4 inches long or longer, depending on the length and number of beads you will use in a set. It is easier to cut excess wire than it is to redesign your set.
Step 3
Use round-nose pliers to make a small loop on one end of the piece of wire. To do this, grip the end of the wire with the pliers, gently twist the pliers and wrap the wire around them until they form a loop.
Step 4
Slide the bead or beads you wish to use onto the wire.
Step 5
Hold the wire vertically so that the beads will be secure against the first loop you made.
Step 6
Take the round-nose pliers and form another loop on the other end of the wire. You may have to trim the excess wire to form a small loop. Trim only a little of the wire at a time as you form the loop until you have the loop size you wish.
Step 7
Finish by using your pliers to slide the end of the loop down into the bead. This closes the loop and hides the end. You can also wrap the end of the loop with a fine wire for a nice, finished look.
Assembling a Bracelet or Anklet
Step 1
Use five bead sets, each approximately 1 1/2 inches long, to make a bracelet 8 inches long. You can make adjustments as you put your bracelet or anklet together.
Step 2
Attach a strong clasp to one of the bead sets. Gently open the loop and slide the spring ring into the loop and close with pliers.
Step 3
Open one of the loops and attach the wire to the next bead set loop until you have the length you desire.
Step 4
Place the eyelet part of your clasp on the bead set loop and close with pliers.
Tips & Warnings
When cutting or trimming excess wire, wear safety glasses to prevent flying pieces of wire from getting in your eyes.
How to Extend The Life of Cheap Flip-Flops
Things You'll Need:
1. An inexpensive pair of flip-flops.
2. Two plastic lids from Pringle's cans.
3. A hole puncher strong enough to go through thin plastic.
4. A pair of scissors.
5. A strong all purpose craft glue or other bonding agent that will adhere plastics and rubber to one another.
Step 1
Cut one small circle from each of the plastic Pringle's can lids. Make sure the circles are roughly and inch and a half in diameter. Then, cut a small slit into each one, going towards the center of the circle so that it measures at the halfway point. Now, use the hole punch to punch a hole in the center of each circle just wide enough for the between the toe part of the flip-flop.
Step 2
While holding one flip-flop in your hand, gently push down on the between the toe part until it slides through the soul of the shoe by about one inch. Carefully pry open one of the cut circles and fit it over the exposed bit protruding from the bottom. It ought to look like a tiny disc on a plastic pole.
Step 3
Carefully dab some glue or bonding agent onto the side of the circle that will touch the bottom of the shoe as well as the inside area where the base of the between the toe part has come through. Now, gently slide the between the toe part back up into place, making sure that the circle touches the bottom of the shoe completely. Press firmly, and let dry for the recommended time stated on the glue or bonding agent bottle.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
How to Sexy Summer Ready Feet Recipe
Are your feet summer sandal ready? The summer is here and you want to break out those sexy sling backs but your tired winter weary feet just aren't feeling it. Don't shy away from showing off your feet and cute painted toenails, here is a quick and easy recipe that will give you smooth skin and summer sexy feet in no time
1 Cup Lemon Juice
2 TBS Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Milk
A dash of cinnamon
Foot bath
Step 1
Measure your ingredients. Mix the lemon juice, cinnamon, olive oil and milk right in your foot bath. Add enough warm water to cover your feet.
Step 2
Wash your feet with your regular soap and warm water. Exfoliate your feet to get rid of all the dead skin cells.
Step 3
Relax in a comfy chair, flip on your favorite show and soak your feet for at least 10-minutes.
Step 4
Rinse off your feet with plain water.
Step 5
Towel dry your feet and moisturize with your favorite lotion.
Step 6
Repeat a few times for soft and silky smooth, sexy feet.
Tips & Warnings
If you don't like the smell of cinnamon you can replace it with a drop of perfume, another spice, or flower petals.This makes a wonderful full body soak as well. Just mix together the same ingredients. Make yourself a warm bath and pour in the mix. You'll have soft smooth skin all over.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
How to Do a Body Wrap at Home
Body wraps are not just for the rich and famous. A spa will charge you a fortune for a single body wrap. Now you too can perform the same body wrap treatment at home for a fraction of spa prices. A body wrap is a great way to lose inches and speed up metabolism. Read the instructions below to perform a body wrap treatment at home.
You will need someone to help you to perfrom this!
Things You'll Need:10 cotton wash cloths
Roll of plastic wrap
Wool blanket
Massage table
Sea salt body scrub
Essential oil body moisturizer
Large size crock-pot
Cotton robe
1 large body towel
Heating pad
Step 1
Visit your nearest drug store to purchase organic sea salt scrub and essential oil body moisturizer. Don´t spend a fortune. Look for a good detoxifying product.
Step 2
Position massage table in a room wide enough for easy access from all angles. Cover the table with a fitted sheet. Plug in a heating pad and crock pot a few minutes before treatment.
Step 3
Douse 10 wash cloths with water, then roll up and place in a crock-pot to keep warm.
Step 4
Undress, make sure you have an extra pair of underwear for after treatment.
Step 5
Wash hands before starting. Lay face-down on the massage table to begin.
Step 6
Have someone exfoliate skin by rubbing sea salt in a circular motion, starting with one side of the body at the legs and moving up to the arms. Now flip over and repeat on the front side.
Step 7
Remove the body scrub with a warm towel or shower when done.
Step 8
Rub essential oil moisturizer employing the same method used to apply sea salts. Do both sides. You stand and wrap legs to torso with plastic wrap.
Step 9
Have someone help you lay down and cover with wool blanket. Place heating pad on top of blanket. Promote sweating. Leave on for 15 minutes.
Step 10
Have someone cut you out of body wrap using a safety tip scissors. Use wash cloths to remove sweat and moisturizer from client.
Step 11
Make sure you have water or tea to drink.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Quote On Feet
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for a Pedicure
No need to go to an expensive spa for a pedicure that leaves your feet feeling completely smooth and refreshed. An apple cider vinegar pedicure can eliminate nail fungus and rejuvenate your feet. Follow the steps below and do your own apple cider vinegar pedicure at home.
Things You'll Need:
Skin file
Emery board
Cuticle stick
Nail polish
Apple Cider Vinegar
Nail polish remover
Cotton balls
Nail Clippers
Clear coat nail polish
Tea tree essential oil or lotion
Step 1
Remove old polish with nail polish remover and cotton balls.
Step 2
Mix 2 cups of warm water with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar in a basin. Use equal parts of water and apple cider vinegar if more is needed. Soak feet for at least 30 minutes.
Step 3
Dry your feet with a towel then use a skin file to remove dead skin and corns.
Step 4
Push back cuticles using a cuticle stick.
Step 5
Clip and clean nails using nail clippers.
Step 6
File and buff discolorations with emery board.
Step 7
Massage tea tree oil on both feet.
Step 8
Apply 2 coats of nail polish. Allow first coat to dry completely before applying second coat.
Step 9
Seal the pedicure by applying a clear coat of nail polish and let dry. Save money by doing your own spa pedicure. Your feet will feel refreshed and ready for anything.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
How To Make Homemade Foot Soak
A foot soak is a great way to pamper your feet year round. It takes a few minutes to prepare and can be done any time you feel like relaxing or boosting your energy.
Things You'll Need:
Water (enough to cover your feet)
1/2 cup of Epsom salt (or sea salt)
2-3 drops of essential oil of your choice
Step 1
Water needs to be hot so either boil it and let it cool down or use hot tap water.
Step 2
Add Epsom salt to water.
Step 3
Add essential oil of your choice.
Step 4
Soak your feet as long as you're comfortable and as long as you feel you need to.
Tips & Warnings
Epsom salt is generally used more often in preparation of homemade foot soak recipes because it contains magnesium sulfate. Magnesium sulfate relaxes the muscles and draws toxins out of skin. As I said, you can use sea salt if you don't have Epsom salt handy.
You can customize the recipe by choosing the essential oil you want. For example, lavender essential oil is used if you need to relax and calm down. Peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil is used when you need a boost of energy.
Be careful with the temperature of water. Remember: foot soak should be an enjoyable experience, water needs to be warm enough to make it relaxing but not too warm.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
How to Clean Dirty Flip Flops
Step 1
The method you choose to clean your flip flops will be dictated by the style. If yours are decorated some of these methods are not recommended.
Step 2
Basic flip flops can be thrown in the washing machine and washed on the warm setting with regular laundry detergent.
Step 3
Any type of flip flop can be cleaned with a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Follow the package directions for general cleaning. Keep any decorations that might be damaged by water dry.
Step 4
Dirty flip flops that will not be harmed by water can be soaked in a bucket of hot water with Dawn dish washing detergent. Soak for 30 minutes and then scrub with soft brush. This works well for very dirty ones.
Step 5
Basic flip flops can be washed in the top shelf of the dishwasher. And no, do not wash them with the dishes!
How to Break in Sandals
Step 1
Buy the right size. Don't try to squeeze your feet into sandals that are too small. It's a good way to do some permanent damage to your toes.
Step 2
Test a hidden patch on the sandal. Look for a piece of leather that can't be seen by you or anyone else. Wet it with water and check to see if the color changes. Should the color change, you might not want to wet them.
Step 3
Put on the sandals and step into a bucket of water. You can forgo the bucket and spritz them with a water spray bottle, too. This trick will cause the sandals to mold to your feet.
Step 4
Towel off the remaining water. You don't want the sandals to be dripping all over the place. Wear them until they dry.
Step 5
Buy a leather moisturizer. If all else fails, leather moisturizer will soften the leather. You can find it a shoe stores or online.
Step 6
Rub a small amount of the moisturizer on the sandals. Cover the entire shoe. Wait a few minutes and wipe off the excess.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
How to Take Care of Your Toenails
Things You'll Need:
Epsom salts
Anti-bacterial cream
Nail clippers or scissors
Cuticle moisturizer
Step 1
Wash and dry your feet and nails every day. Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly to prevent Athlete’s foot.
Step 2
Soak your feet in warm water and Epsom salts once a week to soften rough skin. Again, be sure to dry your feet thoroughly afterwards.
Step 3
Trim your toenails at least every couple of weeks. Use straight scissors or nail clippers to cut straight across the nail—never cut down the sides of the nail. This will help prevent ingrown toenails.
Step 4
Always trim the nail so that it is flush with your toe. If you trim the nail too short, the end may push into your skin.
Step 5
After trimming nails, gently push back the cuticles on your toes and use a cuticle moisturizer.
Tips & Warnings
If your nails are hard and difficult to cut, trim them after showering or soaking your feet. Nails are much softer after being immersed in water for several minutes.
You can treat ingrown toenails at home by bathing in warm water and Epsom salts twice a day to help relieve pain. Apply an antibacterial cream after each water bath.
Never treat an ingrown toenail at home if you have diabetes or another circulatory problem. See your doctor or podiatrist for any and all foot-related medical problems.
Monday, July 6, 2009
How to Have Beautiful Bare Feet Foot Care Tips
Step 1
The first step to have beautiful bare feet is to get rid of rough skin on your heels and soles . To do this you could use the standard pumice stone for foot care or a cream such as Avon's Footwork' s.
Step 2
After you have got rid of the rough skin to help to get beautiful bare feet it is important to keep up with this part of you foot care routine on a regular basis.
Step 3
To keep the skin soft on your beautiful bare feet you have several commercial options. You can however, use a home remedy foot care softener for use after you have got rid of the rough skin. Simply rub a generous amount of virgin olive oil on your feet then wear a pair of cotton socks and keep them on all night while you sleep.
Step 4
Last but not least to have beautiful bare feet a good pedicure is essential. If you can't afford a professional pedicure find a friend with whom you can trade this part of your foot care regime with. Finish off by painting your toenails with your favorite color of nail polish and abracadabra you now have beautiful bare feet to enjoy the Summer with.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
How To Make A Body Exfoliate For Next To Nothing!
Things You Will Need:
· Maize meal about half cup
· Olive oil two tablespoons
· small plastic bowl to mix
Step 1
Mix together dry uncooked maize meal & olive oil in the small bowl, to make a paste.
Step 2
Soak in a nice medium hot bath for about 5 minutes, just to help open the skin pores.
Step 3
Starting at your feet, working up your legs, buttocks, thighs, tummy and then your arms, use a bit at a time of the paste, rubbing a circular motion, with medium pressure. When you have given all areas on your body a good rub, use the hand shower to rinse off, with warm water. You can now wash with your normal soap or body wash. Your skin will look and feel fabulous!
Tips & Warnings
You can use maize meal exfoliater for your face as well, by replacing the olive oil with a little cold rooibos tea and a teaspoon of honey. Works a charm! You can do this once a week to keep your skin in tip top condition.
Friday, July 3, 2009
How to Make Glitter Body Gel
Things You'll Need:
1/2 cup of Aloe Vera gel
2 teaspoons of glycerin
1/2 teaspoon of colored glitter
4 drops of essential oil
Food coloring
Small mixing bowl
Pretty containers with screw-on or stoppered lids
How to Make Glitter Body Gel
Step 1
Stir the aloe vera and the glycerin together in the small mixing bowl. They should blend together completely.
Step 2
You can use a finer texture of glitter, such as the kind used in adult makeup, to create a more subtle shimmer.Mix in the colored glitter. You can use any color you like, or mix and match.
Step 3
Add four drops of essential oil to the mix. If your gel does not smell strong enough, add two more drops.
Step 4
Blend in one drop of food coloring. This will tint the glitter body gel a light color. If you want the color to be brighter, add more food coloring.
Step 5
This small, stoppered plastic star is a perfect container for your homemade body glitter gel.Store your glitter body gel in pretty containers. This is a fun party activity and these containers make cute gifts.
How to Make Shimmer Body Lotion
Things You'll Need:
Light weight body lotion
Shimmer powder eye shadow
Body glitter
Mixing bowl
Mixing stick
Step 1
Shake the bottle of light weight body lotion to make sure it is mixed well.
Step 2
Squirt or pour the desired amount of lotion into a mixing bowl.
Step 3
Pick out a shimmer eye shadow in a complimentary color to accent your skin tone. Cool skin tones should use silver or light pink colors. Warm skin tones look best with gold or yellow hues.
Step 4
Sprinkle a small amount of eye shadow into the lotion and mix well. Start small you can always add more but you don’t want to overdue it.
Tips & Warnings
Use shimmer lotion to hide small imperfections on the exposed areas of your body. The light hits the shimmer just right to minimize the appearance of skin flaws.
Mix a small amount of lotion for a one-time use or if you make a large batch then pour the remaining lotion into a clean empty bottle. Store the lotion at room temperature for future use.
If you are using compact eye shadow be sure to break up the powder before putting it into the lotion.
Homemade shimmer lotion is a fun gift for almost any occasion.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
How to Make an Oatmeal Body Scrub
Things You'll Need:
1 small handful of lentils
1 small handful of oatmeal
1/2 tsp. jojoba oil
1/2 tsp. carrot oil
Oatmeal Honey Body Scrub
Step 1
Place the glycerine soap base in a small sauce pan on medium heat.
Step 2
Allow the soap base to melt, but do not let it boil. Remove the mixture from the heat and allow it to cool.
Step 3
Place the oatmeal in a blender and blend until it is finely ground.
Step 4
Add the glycerine and the remaining ingredients and blend well.
Step 5
Spread the oatmeal body scrub in the container and seal.
Oatmeal Body Scrub With Lentils
Step 1
Place the lentils in a blender and blend to a course consistency.
Step 2
Add the oatmeal and continue to blend until the mixture becomes a powder.
Step 3
Pour in the jojoba oil and carrot oil and continue to blend.
Step 4
Add water a teaspoonful at a time until the mixture is the consistency of a thick paste.
Step 5
Place the mixture into a bowl. Before a bath or shower, massage the oatmeal scrub over the body, especially the dry areas. Use the body scrub immediately. Makes enough for one body scrub treatment.
Monday, June 29, 2009
How to Make a Salt Body Scrub
Things You'll Need:
1 cup Epsom salt
1 cup course sea salt
½ cup of jojoba oil (see tips)
30 drops of essential oil
Jar with a secure lid
Mixing bowl
Measuring cups
Mixing spoon (not wooden)
Step 1
Gather all your ingredients and measure out the potions you will need.
Step 2
Incorporate the salts together using a spoon or your hands.
Step 3
Pour in the jojoba oil along with the drops of essential oil. Smell the scrub as you add the essential oil to determine the desired potency of fragrance.
Step 4
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a spoon to ensure that the essential oil is well distributed throughout the mixture. Spoon the finished product into your airtight containers.
Step 5
Add more oil if the mixture appears to be too dry. Too wet? Then add equal parts of the salts.
Step 6
Store the scrub in an air-tight container to retain moisture.
Step 7
Apply the scrub in the hot shower and allow the scrub to rest on your skin for a few minutes before rinsing. Moisturize with a soothing lotion after the shower.
Tips & Warnings
Use oil that suits your skin care needs. Options include: olive, apricot, grapeseed, jojoba, almond and sunflower. Each possesses different skin healing properties.
Add more, less or none at all of the essential oil.
Consider using multiple essential oils for a potpourri of fragrance.
Save time and double this recipe and store the extra or pass it on to a friend.
Do not use on broken skin or freshly shaven skin as this may cause irritation.
Avoid mixing the scrub in Teflon, copper and aluminum. These can react with the ingredients. Glass and stainless steel are best.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sleepy-Time Bath
Saturday, June 27, 2009
How to Stretch Shoes
Your feet should not hurt! Your foot is a network of 26 bones, 29 joints and many muscles. On average, you take several thousand steps every day. So if the shoe doesn't fit, try stretching it.
Things You'll Need:
Stretcher/ Shoekeepers
Shoe Shining/cleaning Kits
Athletic Shoe Cleaners
Step 1
Purchase a professional quality shoe stretcher from your local shoe repair shop. For ladies' shoes, the stretchers go by shoe size and are designed for both low heel and high heel shoes, with bunion attachments.
Step 2
Get a bottle of liquid shoe stretch to spray on your shoes while using the wooden shoe stretcher. If your shoes are leather, you'll have greater success.
Step 3
Consider taking the shoes to a professional shoe repair shop. They often use a stretching machine to apply specific pressure and heat precisely where the shoe hurts ' including length, toe raise, instep stretching and so on. On occasion, they'll speed up the process with a leather softening agent.
Tips & Warnings
Purchase shoes at the end of the day, or after work or playing sports, for best fit.
Measure both feet, as no two feet are the same size. Purchase shoes for the larger foot.
Walk around the store to ensure a comfortable fit before buying, and always try on shoes with the socks or hosiery with which you will wear them.
Don't plan on shoes stretching with wear. If they aren't comfortable, don't buy them.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
How to Paint Ladybugs on Your Nails
Things You'll Need:
Nail Files
Nail Polish Remover
Nail Strengthening Polish
red, white and black nail polishes
Step 1
Paint your nails solid red with nail polish.
Step 2
Wait for them to dry completely.
Step 3
Paint the tips of your nails black using nail polish.
Step 4
Allow your nails to dry.
Step 5
Dip a toothpick into black nail polish and paint a thin, straight line down the center of each nail.
Step 6
Dip again and make a few black dots on each side of the lines.
Step 7
Finish your nails off by dipping a toothpick into white nail polish - or another light color - and painting two dots per nail to make eyes for your ladybugs
How to Prevent Hangnails
When your nail cuticles become dry or rough, painful and unsightly hangnails often form. Pamper your nails to keep them healthy and free of hangnails.
Things You'll Need:
Olive ( not virgin) Oil
Cuticle Creams
Exfoliating Gloves
Hand Lotions
Manicure Kit
Manicure Scissors
Nail Clippers
Nail Files
Nail Strengthening Polish
Manicure Scissors
Step 1
Give yourself regular manicures: Clean and trim your nails, brush your nails with a manicure brush, and push back cuticles with a cuticle stick. This removes excess skin that may later form hangnails.
Step 2
Use a cuticle moisturizer as needed throughout the day to keep your nails and cuticles moisturized and strong. Try an exfoliating lotion if your skin is particularly dry or roughened.
Step 3
Wear rubber gloves when washing dishes or doing housework. Hot water and various cleaning agents can dry out your hands and encourage hangnails. If possible, avoid soaking nails and cuticles in water, as this can weaken them.
Step 4
Put on canvas gloves when gardening or doing other tasks that can roughen and dry out your hands, causing cuticles and nails to crack.
Step 5
Fight the urge to bite fingernails or hangnails. Such habits can aggravate the nail area and cause hangnails to bleed.
Tips & Warnings
Cut hangnails as soon as you see them.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
How to Make Homemade Wax
Recipe to make homemade wax. It is safe to used for waxing for arms, legs, underarms, upper lips and eyebrows.
Things You'll Need:
2 cups brown sugar
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup lemon juice
and a clean pan
Step 1
Mix sugar, warm water and fresh lemon juice (better if sieved) all together in a saucepan, and heat it over a low flame. Keep stirring the mixture to avoid it sticking on the pan or burning. I prefer using wooden spatula. Stir it until all the sugar has melted and caramelized, and you have a thick brown liquid ready.
Step 2
Let it cool slightly before using it. It can be stored for a long time in a heat proof container for later use.
Step 3
Make sure you store the prepared wax in refrigerator to be used later. Before you use it warm up the wax container in a microwave or you can also warm it up by placing the container in a deep pan filled with boiling water on stove on low heat.
Tips & Warnings
If you are not going to be using the whole container of wax then it's always a good idea to heat only the amount you need in a separate container.
Always warm up the wax on low heat. By doing so you'll prevent wax from burning.
If you don't have brown sugar handy then you can also use white sugar.
Lemon can be substituted with vinegar.
It can get messy and the wax can get stuck to anything. Use newspaper or an old bed sheet on the surface where you are waxing.
You can wipe clean the wax drippings with a damp cloth.
Waxed area can be washed with cold water to soothe the redness.
Use aloe-vera after waxing
How to Wax Toe Hair
1-Wash and dry your toes thoroughly. This will remove lotions, tanning oils, sweat and other things that may stop the wax from sticking to your toes
2-Trim your toe hair. While most hair won't be exceedingly long, you want to make sure they are not longer than 1/2 inch. This will make the process a bit less painful when you wax. Using a pair of pedicure scissors will do the trick.
3-Apply your wax to the little piggies. There are all sorts of wax on the market. Hot wax, spreadable wax, wax that requires paper strips. There's no wrong way to go here as they will all do the trick. The best advice is to stick to a brand you've had luck with before so that you know your skin doesn't react negatively to the product. If this is the first time using the product, try just one toe first to make sure it works for you and you don't have any reaction.
4-Add any paper strips or other layer that is recommended to go over the wax according to your directions and press down firmly. (Again, depending on what kind of wax you buy, this may or may not be necessary; follow the directions.)
5-Pull the skin around the toes taut. There is usually not a lot of excess skin around the toes, but just in case, be sure there is not any additional "slack" in the skin, as the result can be quite painful.
6-Wax your toes by ripping the strip or removing the wax against the direction of your hair. This will remove the hair deeper into the skin giving you a longer lasting wax. Now give yourself a nice pedicure and show off your little piggies.
Wear loose fitting shoes like flip-flops for a few hours afterward to allow the skin on your toes to breathe.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Marble Foot Massage
Give your feet a foot bath. Put a cup of marbles in the bath water and roll your feet around on top of them to stimulate the nerve endings. Pick up the marbles with your toes, flex and contract your feet and toes and then let go off the marbles. This will allow the arches and muscles of the feet to stretch.
Get a foot massage once in a while. Ask a loved one to take time off to give you a foot massage. At the same time you can have a foot massage, which is extremely relaxing. Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil to your lotion for a sensational treat for your feet.
The skin on the soles of your feet does not have any oil glands to soften them. So use a good moisturizer every day. Every night put a generous amount of cream on your feet before you go to bed and then pull on a pair of cotton socks.
Every time you buy shoes ensure that you get your feet measure. Measure your feet standing and not sitting. The shape of your feet changes with age as a result of the daily pressure and pregnancy. Your feet are likely to expand and lengthen with age.
Replace your shoes every 6 months as well-worn shoes lose their ability to support your feet properly. This can lead to feet, leg and back fatigue and problems. If your job requires you to be on your feet all day it is best you change your shoes every 6 months
How-To with Massage Stones
1) Clean the stones with salt water making sure they are clean and free of any foreign objects.
2) Put stones in a pot using very hot tap water for quick usage.
3) The temperature of the stones should never exceed 125 degrees F. Generally if you can handle them comfortably then they are okay to use. Always ask if the temperature is OK. Also check the stones periodically to make sure nothing is getting burned.
4) First diaper drape both legs with a sheet. Make sure the subject is face down and place (1) stone on the upper left leg, (1) middle of hamstrings, (1) on the back of the knee, and also a small stone on the center of the calf. (Just do this to one leg for now)
5) Perform any regular massage techniques on the right leg and then use one of the largest stones to glide up the muscles of the leg toward the heart. Then place stones on right leg and remove the stones from the left leg and perform massage and gliding with a large stone. When finished remove all of the stones and cover the legs. Then drape for the lower back and make a small pile of hot stones on the lower back to warm the muscles while working on the left leg.
6) Then drape for glute work on the buttocks and follow with some massage strokes with a hot stone. The hot stones feel great when applied to both sides of the sacrum. Next cover the buttocks.
7) Drape for working on the back. Place stones on and around the shoulders and traps and (1) on the back of the neck. Remove stones from lower back and perform massage and follow with stone gliding. Each stone has a unique feel and can be used as a massage tool.
8) Remove stones from upper back and neck and perform massage following with stone gliding movements. Then cover the subject and pin one side of the sheet with your body and hold the other side up while the subject turns over face up.
9) Drape for both legs and place stones on the upper, mid, and low thigh of both legs. Place the small or thin stones between the toes of both feet. Let the muscles warm and go to the arms.
10) It is difficult to place stones on the arms so just do regular massage on them and follow with some stone gliding. When finished with the armsplace stones on pectoral muscles and lay a towel across them to help keep them from falling off.
11) Remove stones from left leg and do massage and then remove stones from toes on left foot. Massage foot and follow up with stone gliding on entire leg and bottom of foot. Cover left leg and repeat method on right leg.
12) If you do abdominal massage you may want to use the stones for gliding. Remember all abdominal work needs to be done in a clockwise manner as to go with the intestinal tract.
13) Remove stones from pectoral muscles and perform massage followed with stone gliding. (You can also place a stone on the forehead while doing the pectoral muscles) Then use a stone for neck work.
14) Finish your massage with the scalp and face. Using cooler warn stones on the face or scalp since it can be a sensitive area.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
French Manicure Instructions Guide to the Right Design and Polish for a Natural Look Without Paying Big $$$
Tips for Beginning any Salon Quality Manicure at Home
Any manicure starts with scrubbing your hands, filing your nails and caring for your cuticles. Use a diamond file instead of the cheaper metal ones: it's about a dollar more expensive, but it files much quicker and smoother. For a classic French manicure, your nails shouldn't be dragon-lady long, but should have a smooth, oval shape that's slightly elongated to make the most of the white nail tips. You're going to need:
Instruction Guide to a French Manicure
A base coat in a subtle, neutral color like pale peach, nearly-not-there pink, or beige. The contrast comes with the white nail tips, which point up the hint of color in the base coat.
1. White polish for the tips.
2. Nail tip guide strips
3. A clear top coat.
After filing your nails and tending to your cuticles by softening them and pushing them back away from the half-moons, paint your entire nail with the base coat color and let it dry. If you have chronic problems with getting the nails on your second hand painted cleanly, you may want to start by putting a little petroleum jelly on the skin of your fingers around the nail. The petroleum jelly keeps the polish from sticking to your skin if you should slip up while painting, making for easy clean-up and a neater look overall.
Using French Manicure Stencil or Template Products
Once the base coat of polish is completely dry—never try to rush this step—put the nail tip guides on your fingernails. Apply the strip guide to the area where your actual finger ends. The white tip of your nail shouldn't comprise more than 20% of the overall fingernail when you're done. Make sure to place the guide strips on each finger so that the tips of your nails are the same length for each.
Once the guides are in place, you can brush white polish onto your fingernails. This is a time for especial care, so that you stay with the guides and get no white polish on the lower part of the nail. Don't remove the guides until the white polish is completely dry, or you'll ruin the tips.
Once the white tips are dry, remove the guides. If they leave any sticky residue behind, use rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball to take it off. Don't forget and use nail polish remover or you'll ruin your whole manicure!
Professional Salon Finish to Any Mani or Pedi
Finish your French manicure by painting the entire nail with the clear top coat of polish. This does two things: it helps your manicure stay fresh longer by protecting it, and it gives a shiny and unified gloss to each nail.
You can buy a manicure in a kit, great for the new DIY nail maven, because they come with designs, color options, style ideas, instructions and all the products you need for a manicure or pedicure. You can try the new manicure polish pen, buy fun stencils and templates or go for a natural look with a brand like Sephora, Opi or Sally Hansen. For professional looking fingers and toes, you don't need a history of salon work: you can get everything you need online or from your local drugstore. And for a quick version of the French look, you can buy a nail whitening pencil. Slide it under the edge of your nail to white the tip, et viola—instant (not as elegant, but very nice) manicure!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
How To Make Scented Bath Powder
1/2 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
1/4 teaspoon oil or a few drops of your favorite fragrance
Mix the cornstarch and arrowroot powder in a bowl. Add the oil stir
until well mixed. Sift the powder through a sifter until it's lump free.
Store the powder in a box or covered tin.
How To Make A Dream Pillow
4 parts dried rose petals
4 parts dried mint leaves
1 part whole cloves
Combine all ingredients and tie into a cloth bundle or use to stuff a small pillow or sachet.
Place the dream pillow where you can smell it while you sleep. This is said to promote vivid dreams and clear recall.
Make your own essential oils
small vials. When buying essential oil, it is prudent to check to see
if what you have in your hand is pure essential oil and not one that
is diluted. Sometimes it is hard to find the essential oil you want
and have to special order it. Essential oil is a little pricey to
begin with and if you have to special order it, the price goes even
higher. Essential oils are always mixed with carriers which are oils
that are mild and have no scent. This is because using essential oil
at full strength can irritate your skin.
Making your own essential oil at home is not hard, just have to have
some patience. You can use any herb or flowers to make essential
oils, it just depends on your preference. Let' say for the purpose of
this project, you want to make mint essential oil. ( If you are using
flowers, do not use petals that have been sprayed with pesticides,
i.e., flowers from florists.)
What you need:
Organically grown mint
A clean jar with a lid
Carrier oil: Sweet almond, jojoba, safflower (pick one)
The amount of mint you need will depend on the size of your clean
jar. You will need a fresh batch of leaves everyday for the next
1. Crush the mint leaves with your hands and pack them loosely into
the jar.
2. Pour the oil into the jar and fill it to cover the leaves. Cover
tightly and set aside in a warm place.
3. Next day, strain the oil off the leaves and crush a new batch of
leaves. Pack into the same jar with the strained oil. Top off with
new oil, close the jar and set aside in a warm place for a day.
4. Repeat step three for the next five days.
On the last day, pour into smaller bottles and label them carefully
and refrigerate to extend its shelf life. You can make your own
perfume by adding about 15 drops of essential oil into a half ounce
of Vodka or Everclear. Another thing you can do is to add 30 drops
of essential oil to 8 ounces of your body lotion (unscented).